SOCIÉTÉ JOURNAL. VOL. 2. No. 3 (1989) – VOL. 3, No. 2 (1991).

Editorial: Edición privada (copia).

Autor: VV. AA.-

Referencia: MF7484M


Encuadernación: 29x21. Encuadernación casera (tapa blanda). 230 pgs. Ilustraciones en b/n. Puntos de óxido en canto. Ilustraciones en b/n. Los dos volúmenes están en un solo libro. Texto en inglés. 696884

Sinopsis: Vol. 2: temple of the Spirit, by Jonas K. Sen. A course in cosmic metitation (p. 2), by Michael Bertiaux. Macumba ritual of attraction, by Carol L. Dow. Creating and using vever cards, by Cherie Jameison. Northern Gateway Ritual, L. Martinié. The Daughter, by Akoko. Cyber Voudou, by Navitae. Colaboradores: Dr. Mazatlan, Alison Davidson. Vol. 3: Technicians of the sacred on animal sacrifices. A course in cosmic metitation (p. 4). The seven Africans gods, by R. Haynes. Ogbè Méjì, by Anthony Ferreira. Cyber voudou (part 3). The spider goddes of the outer meridians, by Alison Davidson. Mass of Phoenix, by Fr. Tau Alha. Nature spirits. A note on Kapalikas and Tantrism, by Ezio Albrile. In the infinity level and the Thelemic version of the ritual of pentagram with Abrahadabra.


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