New Magicks for a New Age: A new, coherent systemization of the astrological dignities, together with notes on a new English-language Qaballah: Magickal modifications – Magickal Applications of the New 16-Sephiros English-Language Qaballah.

Editorial: Atomick Hermetic Productions/Tahuti-Quetzlcoatl Press (private edition-copy), 1983-1986, U.S.A.

Autor: DRAGWYLA, Yael R., Magistra POLARIS y Magus SOTHIS.-

Referencia: MW2546M


Encuadernación: 28x22. Encuadernación casera (tapa blanda). 235 pgs. Ilustraciones en b/n. Appendix, endnotes and bibliography. Appendix "The Unicursal Hexagram and its Uses in the Lesser and Greater Rituals of the Hexagram". Typescript. Texto en inglés. 696910

Sinopsis: Part I: The Astronomical Basis of the Dignities of the Planets and an Explanation of Terms. Part II: A Descriptive Summary of the Systems of the Dignities of the Planets and Qabbalistic Correspondences. Part III: The Uses of Dignities and of Qabbalah. IV. Defense of the System Described in Part II and Elucicated in Part III of this Paper.


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