Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues.
Editorial: Allied Publications, 1911, New York.
Autor: WESTCOTT, W. Wynn.-
Referencia: MP29263M
Encuadernación: 19x13. Tela (tapa dura). 127 pgs. Sello y ex-libris en portada. Tapas deslucidas con puntos de humedad. Cortes y lomo oscurecidos. Texto en inglés. 696576
Sinopsis: Contents: Preface to the first, second and third edition. Pythagoras, his tenets and his followers. Pythagorean views on numbers. Kabalistic view on numbers. Properties of the numbers according to the bible, the Talmuds, the Pythagoreans, the Romans, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Hindoos, Medieval Magicians, Hermetic students and the Rosicrucians.
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